Beyond Oxygen: How Breathwork Can Promote Holistic Healing

written by: yolanda trevino Feb 27, 2023


Breathing is one of the most natural and vital functions of our body. We breathe in air to supply oxygen to our body and release carbon dioxide as we exhale. But, what if breathing can do more than just supplying oxygen? What if it can help us heal, reduce stress, anxiety, and even lose weight? This is where breathwork comes in.


What is Breathwork?

Breathwork is a form of holistic therapy that involves conscious control and manipulation of the breath to achieve physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It involves various techniques that can be performed individually or in a group, such as deep breathing, controlled breathing, circular breathing, and other breathing exercises that aim to regulate and balance the breath.

Breathwork techniques can vary in their intensity, duration, and purpose. Some breathwork practices involve short, intense bursts of breath while others focus on slow, deep breaths. Breathwork can be used as a standalone practice or can be integrated into other therapies like meditation, yoga, or massage.

Breathwork is an often overlooked holistic technique, but it can be a powerful tool for managing stress and anxiety, reducing symptoms of mental distress, and promoting overall well-being.


The History of Breathwork

Breathwork is not a new concept. It dates back thousands of years and has been practiced in various cultures and spiritual traditions. In ancient India, the practice of pranayama involved various breathing techniques aimed at regulating the flow of life force energy or prana. In China, the practice of qigong involves combining breathing, meditation, and physical movements to balance the body's energy or qi.

In more recent times, breathwork has been popularized by western holistic practitioners like Wilhelm Reich, Alexander Lowen, and Stanislav Grof, who developed their own forms of breathwork therapies. Breathwork has also been integrated into mainstream psychology and is used as a complementary therapy to treat mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and trauma.


Benefits of Breathwork

There is a wide range of numerous benefits for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Here are some of the most common benefits:

  1. Reducing stress and anxiety - Breathwork can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the body's relaxation response. This can help reduce stress, anxiety, and promote calmness.
  2. Improving mental clarity and focus - Breathwork can increase oxygen flow to the brain, which can improve mental clarity and focus.
  3. Relieving symptoms of mental distress - Breathwork can be a complementary therapy to treat symptoms of mental distress like anxiety, depression, and trauma.
  4. Clearing stagnant energy - Breathwork can help release trapped emotions and clear stagnant energy, leading to a sense of renewal and rejuvenation.
  5. Promoting better sleep - Breathwork can help relax the body and mind, leading to better sleep quality.
  6. Boosting the immune system - Breathwork can increase oxygen flow, which can boost the immune system and improve overall health.
  7. Aiding in weight loss - Breathwork can promote relaxation, which can help reduce stress-induced eating and cravings. There is a specific breathwork technique called the 'fat-burning breath' or 'breath of fire'. This technique is said to help increase the body's metabolic rate, leading to increased fat burning and can be used as a complementary tool to support weight loss goals.


Different Cultures that Use Breathwork

Breathwork has been practiced in various cultures and spiritual traditions throughout history. Here are some examples of cultures that use breathwork:

Indian culture - In ancient India, the practice of pranayama involved various breathing techniques aimed at regulating the flow of life force energy or prana.

Chinese culture - In China, the practice of qigong involves combining breathing, meditation, and physical movements to balance the body's energy or qi.

Native American culture - The practice of smudging involves burning herbs like sage and cedar and using the smoke to purify the body, mind, and spirit. This practice is often accompanied by breathing exercises to enhance the purification process.

Sufi culture - In Sufi culture, the practice of zikr involves rhythmic chanting and breathing exercises aimed at achieving spiritual purification and enlightenment.

Tibetan culture - In Tibetan culture, the practice of Tsa Lung involves various breathing techniques aimed at regulating and balancing the body's energy or winds.


In conclusion, breathwork is a powerful and often overlooked holistic technique that can be used to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It has a long history of use in various cultures and spiritual traditions and has been shown to have numerous benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving mental clarity, and promoting better sleep.

If you're looking to incorporate breathwork into your daily routine, Evolutionary Body System has a free guide available right now that can help you quickly de-stress and promote overall well-being. You can download the '3 Breathing Techniques Guide' by clicking here.


About the Author:
Yolanda Trevino, PLC, HHP, HWC
Founder of Evolutionary Body System | Author | Entrepreneur

Yolanda Trevino is a certified Professional Life Coach (PLC), Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP), and Health and Wellness Coach (HWC) who is deeply committed to holistic well-being. With a passion for empowering individuals to transform their lives, she founded Evolutionary Body System, a holistic program designed to help people overcome trauma, achieve resilience, and embrace personal growth.

As an accomplished entrepreneur in the health and wellness industry, Yolanda brings a wealth of experience to her work. She is also the author of two inspiring books: "Lessons Learned at 40 - A Journey of Growth and Self-Discovery," a collection of personal essays that offer practical advice and inspiration to help you achieve your goals, and "Cultivating Mindfulness, Self-Awareness and Growth," a guide to personal growth that distills the techniques, tools, and practices that helped her transform her own life.

Join Yolanda Trevino on this holistic wellness journey and discover the power of positive change.