Rising Strong: A Journey of Overcoming Trauma and Finding Inner Strength

written by: yolanda trevino Feb 21, 2023

Life after trauma can be a difficult journey, but it can also be one of the most transformative experiences you will ever go through. While it can be a challenge to face the pain and aftermath of trauma, it is possible to come out on the other side feeling empowered, strong, and capable of achieving great things.

I know firsthand how difficult it can be to experience trauma and feel as though you have lost control over your life. For years, I suffered from the co-occurrence of anxiety and depression, and weight gain; the overwhelming feelings of sadness and despair were unbearable. At times, it felt as though there was no hope for recovery, and the pain seemed never-ending.

However, I refused to give up on myself, and through a combination of self-healing techniques, professional support, and proper nutrition, I was able to transform my life and regain my sense of empowerment and self-worth.

The journey towards transformation after trauma begins with acknowledging that you have experienced a traumatic event or series of events. Trauma can be defined as any experience that overwhelms an individual's ability to cope, resulting in feelings of helplessness, fear, or powerlessness. Traumatic experiences can include anything from physical or emotional abuse to a debilitating illness or the sudden loss of a loved one.

Once you have acknowledged the trauma you have experienced, it is important to seek professional support. This can include therapy, counseling, or support groups, where you can receive guidance and encouragement to work through the pain and emotions associated with trauma. It is essential to have a safe and supportive space to explore your feelings and work towards healing.

In addition to seeking professional support, it is important to practice self-care and self-compassion. Self-care can take many forms, from engaging in physical activity to spending time in nature, practicing meditation or mindfulness, or spending time with loved ones. Whatever form self-care takes, it is essential to prioritize your emotional and physical well-being as you work towards healing.

Another key component of transformation after trauma is proper nutrition. Nutrition plays a critical role in healing the body and mind, and it can help to mitigate some of the negative health effects of trauma. A balanced diet can help to reduce inflammation in the body, which is a common side effect of chronic stress and trauma. Inflammation can lead to a range of health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. A healthy diet can also help to balance hormones, which can be disrupted by trauma and lead to a range of physical and emotional symptoms.

Some specific nutrients that are particularly important for individuals who have experienced trauma include omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and magnesium. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fatty fish such as salmon and tuna, have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and may help to improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Vitamin D is crucial for overall health and can be obtained through sunlight exposure or dietary sources such as fortified dairy products or fatty fish. Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to an increased risk of depression and other mental health issues. Magnesium, found in foods such as nuts, seeds, and leafy greens, is important for regulating the body's stress response system and can help to reduce feelings of anxiety and promote relaxation.

As you work towards healing and transformation after trauma, it is important to be patient and compassionate with yourself. Healing is a process, and it can take time to work through the pain and emotions associated with trauma. However, with the right support and self-care practices, it is possible to come out on the other side feeling empowered, strong, and capable of achieving great things.

One of the most transformative aspects of healing after trauma is the sense of empowerment and resilience that can come from the journey. As individuals work through the effects of trauma, they may develop a deep understanding of their own strength and resilience. This can lead to a new sense of self-awareness and self-confidence, as well as a greater appreciation for the relationships and experiences that are meaningful in their lives.

For me, healing from trauma involved a deep and ongoing process of self-discovery and self-care. I had to learn to recognize and acknowledge my own emotions and reactions, and to develop healthy coping mechanisms to deal with the negative effects of trauma. I also had to learn to take care of my physical health, including through proper nutrition and regular exercise.

Through this process, I developed a newfound sense of resilience and strength. I learned that I was capable of overcoming the negative effects of trauma and creating a life that was fulfilling and meaningful. I was able to let go of the past and focus on the present, and to appreciate the beauty and joy in life that I had previously overlooked.

I also developed a deep sense of empathy and compassion for others who had experienced trauma, and I found that helping others through their own healing journeys was a powerful and fulfilling way to give back. By sharing my own experiences and offering support and guidance to others, I was able to transform my own pain into something positive and meaningful.

If you are working through the effects of trauma, it is important to know that you are not alone. Many people have experienced trauma and have found ways to heal and move forward in their lives. It is a journey that takes time and effort, but it is one that is well worth the investment.

Through the process of healing, you may experience a range of emotions, including sadness, anger, and fear. However, you may also experience moments of joy, gratitude, and self-discovery. You may find that you develop a deeper connection to yourself and to others, and that you are able to appreciate the beauty and wonder in life in a new and profound way.

Healing from trauma is not always easy, but it is possible. It requires a commitment to self-care, self-discovery, and a willingness to face the challenges that may arise along the way. With the right support and guidance, and a deep sense of resilience and strength, you can transform your life after trauma and create a new and fulfilling future for yourself.